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51573599RL002_Texans_Jags | 2024WEBSITEHOME019.JPG

HOUSTON, TX- OCTOBER 31: Demarcus Faggins #38 the Houston Texans celebrates with the crowd after returning an interception for a touchdown against the Jacksonville Jaguars in the second half of the game won by the Texans 20-6 on October 31, 2004 at the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas.(Photo by Robert Laberge/Getty Images). *** Local Caption *** Demarcus Faggins

HOUSTON, TX- OCTOBER 31: Demarcus Faggins #38 the Houston Texans celebrates with the crowd after returning an interception for a touchdown against the Jacksonville Jaguars in the second half of the game won by the Texans 20-6 on October 31, 2004 at the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas.(Photo by Robert Laberge/Getty Images). *** Local Caption *** Demarcus Faggins